Monday, August 27, 2012

I don't get to post on here often, mostly because our life can be a little chaotic at times.  Elly is growing in so many ways.  Still not walking yet, but we are hopefully. Last Friday she was measured for her second set of SMO Splints by SureStep.  It was kind of bittersweet, while I want Elly to have everything she needs to assist her in the beginning stages of walking I was also hoping that this would be the last device we needed for a while.  But it is my vow to everything that I can as a parent to help Elly grow and develop to best of her ability. 

The past month we have also had a few bowel problems, and Miralax was not working as it used to. After a brief evaluation at the Myelo Clinic a few weeks ago Elly was prescribed mini Enemeez.  We insert them anally once daily to soften her bowels.  It works pretty well, but I am concerned that she is going to become dependent on it, doing more harm than good.   I would really like to find an alternative natural remedy for her bowel problems, but have yet to find on.  I know that proper, well balanced diet is crucial to digestion, but there has to be something else I can do to help her move along.

After meeting with her Early On Physical Therapist today we were given an assignment.  Over the next few weeks we will be working on improving Elly's fine motor skills by incoorporating more structured play time using a Magna Doodle, puzzles, and shape sorters.  We will also encourage Eliana to gain more balance, by letting her hold onto a hulu hoop on one side while we hold the other.   We continue to encourage Elly to climb when at the park and put weight on her legs as much as possible. Honestly our house is beginning to look like an obstacle course, but it is all for the greater good.  In a couple of weeks we have an appointment to be evaluated by a Pediatric Physical Therapist and may have intensive therapy once a week if needed.

Overall I feel a lot more optimistic about the obstacles we face.  The only limitations to Elly's  success come from not doing anything at all.  

It is all For the Love of Elly, who stole my heart the day she was born.

Najeema Iman

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